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Stronger Together - South Australia's Disaster Resilience Strategy

SAFECOM has a lead role in disaster resilience policy, and was the lead agency behind the creation of Stronger Together - South Australia's Disaster Resilience Strategy. This Strategy was released in 2019 and contained the input of over five hundred South Australians who contributed their thoughts, experiences and ideas as part of an extensive consultation process.

The Strategy provides a foundation upon which state and local governments, non-government organisations, businesses, and communities can work together to build resilience and make South Australia a safer place.

Stronger Together - South Australia's Disaster Resilience Strategy provides a foundation upon which all sectors can work together towards a more resilient South Australia and provides direction for resilience building work across four key focus areas and two cross cutting themes.

  • Focus area 1 - Neighbourhoods and Communities
  • Focus area 2 - Small Businesses
  • Focus area 3 - Children and Young People
  • Focus area 4 - Strategic and Connected Networks
  • Cross-cutting theme 1 - Diversity and Inclusion
  • Cross-cutting theme 2 - Health and Wellbeing

The Strategy also focusses on building the capability of emergency services and other emergency management organisations. In recognition that everyone has a role to play in building disaster resilience, the Strategy aims to increase individuals, communities, and businesses’ understanding of the risks they face. Building the resilience and capacity of communities will also help to reduce the increasing demand on emergency services.

For more information on Stronger Together - South Australia's Disaster Resilience Strategy view the Interim Report Years 1 & 2.